Saturday, September 5, 2009

oh shit, more than yesterday and only because i've had a drink that had a man's name...tom collins, wine and more champaine...more drunk than yesterday. don't get excited, i'm not an alchy.
ok, here the thing, i want to be an archaeologist, but i also want to be part of current affairs....i know so convincing while i'm drunk, but its true, so get over it. i don't know what to do with my life, but its 130 so i should go to bed.
landscape investigator...look into it for later.

Friday, September 4, 2009


this is the first weekend in almost two motnsth that i have not gone out to party. i haven't quiet had at few yet, but i'm a size two and i've had soup for dinner, so some sparkling wine does the trick, i feel it in my legs.

i don't plan on using proper punctuation or spelling, its just too much to count on.

i don't suppose that you would coundt going out for drinks with the girls tomorrow "going out" but here it is, it will be nice to have a quiet evening with my friends. next weekend though, i'm sure a and i will go out. i need to get in a better city, this one is poor on the fun, well you make fun, i'm a bleieever that you can have fun where ever you are, its really snotty to not have fun because you are in a po dunk town with one club that generally has a good dj, but because the places to be seen play shit-tastic music are flocked by morons who suppose that music is good the more intoxicated you get...its just wrong. go where the music is fly people! not where you can get your skank ass laid.

long term goals:
get out of said po' dunk city
have money to get out of po' dunk city
stop being afraid of so many things.

i've got to stop relying on divination...especially on a full moon.